Trompe - l’oeil / Painted Illusions
Trompe-l'oeil, pronounced Tromp-loy, is a French phrase that translates to "deceive the eye". It is a technique used in painting to create optical illusions that trick the viewer's perception for a brief moment. For instance, a trompe-l'oeil window in a London basement can transport one's gaze to the vineyards of southern France, while ivy-covered columns can add a touch of Roman splendour to a bathroom. The possibilities of this technique are endless, limited only by one's imagination.

Trompe l'oeil French patio doors open onto a formal, walled garden with fountain and peacock.
An Italian restaurant called The Vinyard gets a new patio view across an imagined landscape that opens up the seating area.
An arched window looks out onto a fantasy landscape with waterfall
This inner-city kitchen diner leads out onto a veranda overlooking a tropical beach, with lovebirds.
A conservatory wall painted to look like an extension to the garden. This features the owners two cats.

A bathroom painted to look like it is in the middle of a Greek/Roman ruin.

The house cat sits and watches a little mouse. Fake cracks in the plaster give this brand new build house some character.
This blank wall in a conservatory now has an added view across the Kent countryside. It also features the client's dog and parrot sitting on the open window frame.

This large archway opens up onto rolling countryside with Leeds Castle in the distance and a visiting friendly fox in the corner.

This exterior brick wall is painted with a beautiful garden scene, which is much better to look at from the kitchen window looking out onto it.

This mural adds depth to the garden and is based on one of the client's favourite paintings.

This client's patio doors now looks out through a romantic rose arch across a large formal garden, rather that the plain wall that was there before.

This public underground walkway was transformed from a dingy and oppressive place to a pleasant, colourful garden.

This wall leading to the common room in a residential retirement home is painted to look like a brick wall with holes in it. There are objects hanging on the wall and through each hole is different scenes all based on memories of the residents.

For the person that wants a stable at the end of their garden, but doesn't want the upkeep of a horse!
This basement dining area now has stunning views across the Tuscany hills. The client's cats are also immortalised in the painting.
A fake fireplace and puppy for a young lady's room in a residential home.